Deep 37

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Deep37 is a asymmetric multiplayer horror adventure game with the theme of ancient castle decryption and space capsule horror.

Deep37's diverse hardcore game mechanics and the creation of a dark, scary sense of atmosphere provide players with an immersive experience.


Players can choose to play as human explorers trapped in an ancient fortress or as monsters with great power but fighting alone. At the same time, players can choose characters with different skills in different camps according to their play style and strategic planning.

In addition, players also need to reasonably use and manage the props scattered in the game map to increase the probability of success, for example, players need to always pay attention to the flashlight power and collect batteries throughout the gameplay.

The skillset and real-time status of the characters also have a decisive impact on whether the player can succeed. For example, players need to control the frequency of running to reduce the character's stamina consumption in order to avoid the character's excessive footsteps or gasping for breath to attract the attention of the opposing camp.




Lead Developer, Game Designer


Game Design

2023 Yikun Peng