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Heartbeat is a medium that turns your heartbeat data into the power to help others, as well as a device that turns the act of donating into an interactive, gamified experience.

Heartbeat is an interactive device that visualizes the user's heart rate data and translates it into a donation amount for a good cause. Heartbeat machine first detects the user's heart rate data in real time based on a heart rate monitor sensor, and the user's heart rate data is visualized in a transparent, lighted heart-shaped container. The user's heart rate determines the amount of his donation, i.e. the user needs to adjust his heart rate through action to control the donation rate before he can donate the actual amount.


Heartbeat provides a platform for donating through a physical, interactive, and game-like experience, as opposed to traditional donation devices or websites that have a single method and interaction model (set donation amount, fill out payment information, and click a confirmation button). The heart-rate influencing activities (e.g. singing, exercising) that the user performs in order to make a donation give emotional value to the single act of donating and provide the user with a memorable and substantive experience.

At the same time, Heartbeat's portable design and aesthetically pleasing data visualization light effects are ideal for public use as a mobile donation platform. The design concept of requiring users to perform activities to donate not only attracts the attention of onlookers and their willingness to participate, but also fits the project's philosophy of promoting human connectivity and healthy living.




UX Designer, Lead Developer


Interactive Design

2023 Yikun Peng